Monthly Archives: December 2008

Yule-ish, Very Yule-ish!

I’m just getting into the Festive Mood by watching my favourite Christmas themed horror movie (the only one that really springs to mind), Black Christmas. I wish all visitors will have a very special time of the year and good wishes for the new one. See you all again soon!

Tom xoxo

I’m full of artificial sweetener, My heart’s been deceitful

First of all, site updates! Two new Mash Ups over at My Music – one for Christmas, and one sampling the 80s (my second trip back to my decade for a mash up). As for what’s to come, a few more mash ups hopefully, and something spectacular as a little dedication to my old website Amanda Bynes UK, which went offline a few months ago due to Orange being a super-beeyotch and deleting their free members only FTP service (whatever, their loss, we’re getting Virgin broadband now). Intrigued? Come back December 31st to find out what it is! Oh, and do you like my new favicon? WordPress updated their features! The only good thing about Orange closing down it’s service was that I found this place!

Now serious stuff: I had a nosebleed! It’s been so long since my last one it took my three attempts to spell it right! Back then I decided to take a stand. I was having a lot of them, so something must have been causing it. I cut out caffeine and more importantly – Cola! Following on from that, I specifically targeted artificial sweeteners as the source of my bleeds. Aspartame and Phenylalanine were my enemies! I found them in nearly every “sugar free” chewing gum, and unfortunately Sweet Chili flavoured Sensations Crisps. Since that cold and dreary day some 18 months ago, I’ve reintroduced the odd caffeine boost in the form of my beloved instant cappuccinos and Lucozade and things seemed fine. During my research on artificial sweeteners I discovered Pepsi were marketing a new “natural” alternative to Pepsi called Raw. Despite being available in Leeds, I had never seen it… until last night! I was so excited, for the first time in what felt like forever I was going to be able to have cola! It was nice… really nice… but about an hour after polishing off my second bottle, the disaster struck!

Okay so it was only a bit blood – but still! It’s more the fact I thought I’d been smart and health conscious, but the science of sugars is confusing! Oh, and I cannot just put it down to a freaky coincidence… despite the fact that if anyone in the world were to have a freaky coincidence like this – it’d me! It has to be that whatever used to cause my nosebleeds that was in regular, crap-filled Pepsi is still in their “natural” Pepsi… The only suspect ingredient I noticed was Xanthan Gum, so I guess I’ll be keeping an eye out for that now! Unless of course this is all just psychosomatic and I’m going crazy (pfft, going).