Category Archives: Site Updates

Dough Nut Ramblings

Today I am going to sign my DNR – that means Do Not Resuscitate. It’s been a very mentally, physically, and emotionally draining past few days as my family pet of 11 years, Kaiser, was put down last Monday due to his own failing health. There is no “putting down” of humans (well, I mean, there is, but you have to go Switzerland, and Sheila from Wild Wild Country is there and she looks way way too happy to be working at an assisted living facility). This will have to serve as some sort of catharsis because I need to move on and find something to look forward to. I need to learn how to find the joy in life when I know that life is precious – instead of struggling to eat, and drinking three coffees a day, and staying away until 5am which is what I have been doing. As it stands, the website is a bit of a mess that I need to focus on sorting out. The Music section is gonna be less about music and more about all the lyrics I’ve written over the years and hardly ever shared, with the mashups moved to a different page. I’m in the process of uploading a new t.A.T.u. mix project (my first since 200km/h In The Near Future) which I’m aiming to finish by 22 April. Then I have a psychology appointment. Then it’s Eurovision. Then I have a small break where I may record some new podcast episodes or video blogs. Then it’s my birthday. Then we’re getting a new downstairs shower fitted. And then (I hope) Neighbours shall be coming back and my life can feel like it has some normalcy and routine back to it (I don’t care how that sounds, that show was vital to keeping me sane during the pandemic).

Bad Luck

Me, aged nine, sitting on Father Christmas’s lap at Primary school. I think this was the Christmas Bonanza that lead to the inspiration for one of my earliest pieces of creative writing, Bad Luck. If you can make it out in the photo, I won a green plastic ring with a red Santa on it, and I became convinced it was cursed. In 1996, I was admitted to hospital with suspected meningitis. I wrote all about it, gave it a fictional twist, and called it “Bad Luck”. I ended up writing five more stories, all involving Tony AKA Me! In celebration of the thirteenth episode of the podcast, recorded on Friday the 13th, I am sharing with you the first three stories, fresh from the recesses of tomsbrain (they’ll be twenty-years-old, this year). Listen now…

Bleeding Hearts

Not only am I running off my mouth about Australian Soap-Operas, Naomi Watts, The Sims 4, and more RuPaul praise. There are two exclusives in this week’s podcast, as I invite you to join me at The Leeds Savage Club where I exposed myself by sharing a song I had wrote about my recent hospital treatment. And, in the spirit of song, I treat you to KELL’s latest offering, My Funny Valentine (available to download for free Listen now…

Dark Night of the Soul

Apologies in advance, this podcast is very heavy to listen to – with talks of blood and depression. But, get through it, and I’ll leave you with some inspirational words from RuPaul at the end! Before that however, I discuss my ability to keep away from Starbucks, my desire to play The Sims 4, my love of Let’s Plays, and why it is that fast food just doesn’t taste as good as it used too. Listen now…