Monthly Archives: March 2004

I’m having another transfusion. Even though I’m 8.9, which is stupidly low after having a transfuaion only last week. I’ve made a new movie. It’s viewable at It’s my Third movie. They are ‘Candle-lighters’, ‘The Clown’ and ‘Cellar Door’. I was going to make a sequel to Candle-lighters but I’ve put that back to the summer. I like filming outdoors. Good lighting!!

There’s a new movie over at ‘McT Movies’. I filmed it yesterday and edited it today. I hope you like it. Thanks go to Eleanor, Alice, Haley and Andy. You’ll need Real Player to view it though. I choose Real because the quality of the movies is good and the Kb are low. Take ‘Cellar Door’ (the new movie, it’s a working title), it’s 9 minutes long but the file is only 5 and a half Megabytes. So I editied today, I threw a bit of a fit because the titles kept messing up. I hope you like them. It’s the first time I’ve ever attempted to do something with the titles other than fade them in and out.

Woah, 3 days in a row, someone call social serivces (why?!)… I’ve updated the ‘Movies’ Page which now has seven Real Video clips. The new Clips are ‘Candle-lighters’, ‘Stronger – Music Video’, ‘The Clown’ ‘Richard & Judy’ and ‘Halloween – Titles’. I have to stress these aren’t random clips these are video clips that I’ve either Edited, Written or Directed, or in some cases all three! So please check them out and if you’d like to tell me what you think of them then e-mail me. That’s all I did today… But i’m fine, I am hopefully going to be doing something very, very special soon so when it takes off I’ll be blogging to you about that lots.

Today was quite a relaxing day, I only managed to get 3 hours sleep but I’ve felt perky. I went walking with my mum and our puppy Harvey, I stood in dog poo, which feels strange, even though you’ve got a shoe on it’s like you can feel it. Then I watched Donnie Darko because that’s what we would be doing in Media today. That movie is very good but It makes you think. It’s quite complicated and I’m not sure if I understood most of it. I liked it though. I’m waiting for South Park to come on, only 14 minutes left. Here are some caps from tonight’s NY Graham Norton on Channel 4…




“Don’t think just because I got a lot of money I’ll give you taco flavoured kisses honey. Fufill all your wishes with my taco flavoured kisses. Taco-taco, burrito-burrito…”