Monthly Archives: November 2011

End of LIFF 2011

Another festival draws to a close, and the last film I plan on attending is The Artist. I’ve a feeling the 25th Leeds Film Festival was a runaway success, screenings felt very busy. I won’t be posting individual reviews (maybe for one or two of the best, I don’t know), but you can expect a post soon with a rundown of everything I managed to sit through, and what I think is worth sitting through again!


I’m about to pass 10,000 visitors. Thank you all, it really makes the hours I’ve put into perfecting my website all that more worth it. If you haven’t already, please take a look around at the new layout. I’ll draw your attention to the new column on the side which is an awesome day-by-day schedule of my 2011 Leeds Film Festival screenings. I would love to see some of you there, just get it contact with me!